It started off being a regular old day. I woke up did my chores and lounged around the house all day. When night came my friend Lisa came over.
Lisa and I were the kind of kids who would sit under the stars talking all night of the future and stuff like that. So nothing was wierd when Lisa asked me to go outside and look at the stars for a while. We started talking, the conversation was heading into a wierd topic, aliens. Lisa finally confessed she thought she was going nuts because the night before she had no idea where she had been from 8:00 to 2:30 in the morning. I told her she was being silly and the night went on.
All I remeber after that is sitting in bed reading and then lying on the floor with a throbing pain in my hand. It had been cut. I don't know how, and I don't know when.
I forgot about it a few days later until a year ago. My hand started to hurt real bad. I went to the hospital and they removed a tiny piece of what looked like plastic. They gave it to me, and asked how it could have gotten in my hand without me knowing it. I had no answer for them. My friend, Dawn, at the time was going out with a scientist. I gave him the fragment of plastic. He studied it for months. He soon concluded that the properties of the matter were like nothing he had ever seen before. Nothing on Earth could have produced it.
I thought he was nuts until one day I was cooking when I saw a tiny little creature about 3 feet tall with wierd eyes and a tiny mouth, a big head and two holes for a nose, staring at me. In his hand was the same plastic that came from my hand. It was glowing. He saw me and disappeared.
To this day I still see this creature and I am always looking for answers.
Thank You,